BraemarRCH Ltd
Braemar no. (023) 9281 1399

Regency Nursing Home
Activities & Facilities

Our activities officer ensures that individual choices and interests are catered for.

There are a range of activities to choose from, including handicraft, relaxation to music, reminiscence or just relaxing in the garden. We also arrange regular outings, theatre visits and social events throughout the year for residents.

Daily Newspapers are available as well as a variety of books provided by the local Library.

Families and friends wishing to visit residents may do so at any time without prior arrangements as they would do in their own home.

The Regency Nursing Home is well equipped with disability aids including seven electrical mobile hoists, pressure relieving mattresses and electric profiling beds.

We encourage residents to maintain links with the local community including church, schools and nursery. For the last few years, a group of 6th. formers from the local high school visit the homes regularly to meet with residents for conversation and various activities.